Here you can find a list of links, mostly composed of friends and tools.
- Francesco Giordano - Lamer king /s
- Emanuele Picariello - Hacker entrepeneur spreading knowledge on YouTube.
- Alessio Lei - Embedded developer always creating new devices.
- Signal - Messaging service with bleeding edge and innovative cryptography by moxie
- pwntools - Exploit development library by Gallopsled
- x64dbg - Best win debugger by mrexodia
- radare2 - Reverse engeneering swiss army knife by pancake
- dnSpyEx - .NET decompiler suite fork by prodigy Reverse Engineer ElektroKill
- frida - Cross-platform instrumentation suite by oleavr
- objection - Frida agents and automation by sensepost
- gef - GDB plugin for reverse engineering and exploitation by _hugsy_
- chocolatey - Package manager for Windows
- wireguard - VPN software using bleeding edge and state of the art cryptography by zx2c4
- A/I - Italian hacktivist group, fighting for digital freedom
- age - PGP alternative by FiloSottile
- BFQ - Linux Storage-I/O scheduler by Paolo Valente
- Binary Analysis Course - Great starter course for malware analysis and reverse engineering by Libra
Now that I think about that, tools aren’t much different from friends: they are hard to find and easy to lose, you must work on them if you want them to be functional, you can’t live without them, after a while of “using” one you start seeing its flaws as strengths and in the end it doesn’t matter which one you “use” as long as it “works” for you.
Deceased projects
Unfortunately, some projects are left unmantained. Nothing lasts forever. I will keep track of projects that I found useful at some point but that are not mantained anymore.
- OllyDbg - My first windows debugger by Oleh Yuschuk
- dnspy - .NET decompiler suite by 0xd4d
- CuckooSandbox - Malware analysis system by nex
- TempleOS - Visionary, one-man-made, general purpose operating system by Terry A. Davis