Firmware Vulnerability Analysis on D-Link DIR-878

The D-Link DIR-878 is a Wi-Fi router that reached its End of Life. Many vulnerabilities were discovered on this device. Today, my task was to help a colleague of mine in its master thesis research project. His project concerns analyzing, studying and locating well known vulnerabilities in firmware. He shared me a curated list of vulnerabilities which needed some analysis so that their data could be added to its thesis. It is important to note that even though I performed this analysis, I have no merit in the content of his thesis whatsoever. ...

23 July 2024 · 10 min · 2016 words · Jacopo Scannella

Code-Golfing from the past

This was an old post I originally wrote the 24th of October 2018. I recently discovered it in the drafts of this blog. At the time, I was planning to do this challenge on many other languages, but ended up abandoning. I decided to publish it today. It is a short one, enjoy! Cloudflare’s email-decoder in one line I’ve recently “decrypted” Cloudflare’s email-decode.js, this is my take on writing some one line decoders for it. Thus .... will be “decrypted” into ...

20 July 2024 · 1 min · 137 words · Jacopo Scannella

PaperMod is here!

I switched from my old and beloved hugo-dusk theme, to the new flashy and shiny PaperMod theme. Why? The old theme development has been dropped and I was basically maintaining it myself. I added some (debatably) cool stuff to it, but it was time to let it go. Moreover, the new theme has really nice features, such as: Introduction in home page to brag about my social status and career achievements Per-year archive, allowing stalkers to dig easilly in my past Search full-text fuzzy functionality, which I still need to figure out how to disable Leverages new Hugo features such as table of content, which will be fun to enable in old posts Automatic dark / light theme I also took this chance to finally move to CI/CD instead of manually deploying every time. Github actions are not pretty but they do the job. ...

20 July 2024 · 1 min · 204 words · Jacopo Scannella

The most engaging Reverse Engineering challenge of my life

The initial pitch It started as a normal work-day morning, when my friend Alessio comes out of the blue and asked me to play some CTF. "My colleague sent me this VM challenge..." Challenge name: VeryMuch RE Description: Implementing my own VM - Can you check if I did it right? Milestones 15 minutes: player recognizes the implemented virtual machine 30 minutes: (the player) starts writing a disassembler 1 hour: (the player) has the whole program disassembled 1 hour and a half: (the player) understands the logic 2 hours and a half: (the player comes up with a) solution Later in the evening, I picked the challenge up. It was a ELF64 static binary written in Rust, which implemented a custom Virtual Machine. ...

30 March 2024 · 9 min · 1791 words · Jacopo Scannella

Public Service Announcement: the server is gone

Unfortunately my m8 forgot to renew our micro-dedicated server. We got that as a Black Friday deal. ATM we can’t really afford to take another one, thus I will rely on Github. End of transmission

28 January 2019 · 1 min · 35 words · Jacopo Scannella